Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sililoquy :: essays papers

Sililoquy I went to work as any other day, walking around the mall with my best friend, staring, gazing into every transparent glass containing items for my wish list, leaving me with â€Å"wants†, yet will never become possessions. My phone rang, as my mother, carefully, yet failing to hide her tears, told me my cousin (Joshua), two years of age, had drowned. I felt your struggle I thought you had encountered. The splash of water, as it skillfully entered your windpipes, devouring your lungs until your eyes became bloodshot red, as you gasped for that last breath of air, only to swallow more water. And then, slowly your heart stops beating as your body swam along, allowing the current to be your guide. Your body drifted down the canal, but your soul drifted towards heaven. I held my uncle close, my shoulder accepting his tears and cries unheard for his beloved son. Nothing, no pain can ever compare to the injection of a lost loved one I was given when I hugged him, as I felt every breath of sorrow moisten my chest. His firm grip on my shirt held me without a thought of letting go, as he shed his tears on me, seeping through me shirt, my pores, through my soul and directly to my heart. The sharp pain causing your breaths to shorten and uncontrollable tears to fall with no bottom to reach. I heard his unheard cries for his son. That was a want that could never be fulfilled. That was a missing piece that could never be found. A child, every child, is certainly a gift from God. The creation of every human being, the growth, the heart, the mind; never knowing the capabilities it will endow. Never knowing the fullest extent of it’s imagination, enabling them to do anything, and everything it desires; and to take effect into my life is truly one of the many mysterious ways God has worked, in my life, and everyone’s life. Joshua, two years into this earth and yet I feel he has accomplished more than a man, yet no less than an angel. How can such a tragedy being so many joys into one’s mind; one’s life? And not just one life, but many lives.

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